Thursday, June 30, 2011


Friends, if you're out there, I apologize for my extended absence. I think about blogging quite often but don't have anything very profound to say that makes me want to crank up the old desktop and get blogging. I have an iPhone now which pretty much means my desktop and Netbook are being usused.

But... I dusted off the old HP and she and I have been writing. Revising and editing, more specifically, but it's all the same category.

If you're interested in learning what I've been up to these past couple months, check out my page on Spark People - it's a weightloss website where I have been blogging semi-regularly about the ups and downs of becoming healthier. And yes, I've tried to link these two sites but can't figure out how. That Certificate in Applied Computer Science is working wonders, wouldn't ya say?

Anyhow, here's my page:

For those of you too lazy to head to SP, I'll just tell you that I've lost 50 pounds so far! Woot! And I'm learning a lot about myself along the way so I plan on this time being The Time for a healthier, leaner lifestyle. I would really like to run a marathon or some kind - starting small, with a 5K or 10K, and working up. We'll see how that goes.

More to come!


Monday, January 31, 2011

A New Year

The first month of 2011 is already gone. I don't know where it went, but if someone finds it would you please return it? I'd like to exchange it for a nice spring-time month. No snow, but getting to keep my time from running away so fast. Holy cow, the last year or so has flown by!

I have not blogged in a few months. It's not that I haven't had interesting (well, to me anyhow) thoughts. I've been busy and unmotivated to log on and share. November and December were a stressful/fun mess of holiday festivities and Lillie. I won't air any dirty laundry online, but she lived with me for 2 months and it looked like it would be longer than that until suddenly, on Christmas Eve, she was back home with her parents. Enter Depression. Holidays in general + first holiday without Daddy + being left alone on Christmas Eve with little Lillie suddenly taken away = crappy time.

In the last few months, I have finished the first half of my Certificate in Applied Computer Science (I am breaking the 2nd half in half), recommitted to a healthier lifestyle, and read some books on my Nook. Which I love and adore and don't know how I lived without.

I haven't written, which is sad. I haven't painted, which is not quite as sad but sad still. Oh, I picked up my guitar a few times. That was fun. I just haven't felt very creative. The first anniversary of Dad's death was 2 weeks ago, and that pretty much zapped a whole month of creativity right out of me. The holiday season zapped another month or so too, so I'm just now starting to get back into the swing of things.

Not much to talk about today. Just setting the stage for future blogs. I am currently down 7 pounds, and doing so with a non-drastic calorie counting method. I am hoping to make slow, healthy changes to my life (working out, eating better, but not cutting out my favorite foods or making huge drastic changes all at once) that will stick with me. I love and it's really helping me get/stay motivated to be healthier, so I'm hoping that is something 2011 will hold for me. I also am awaiting anxiously to hear about the graduate program at the University of Indianapolis. Fingers crossed!

Until next time,